Kong ChoonYen the HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, Holistic Birth Doula
Name: Kong ChoonYen (Yen)
Profession: HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, Holistic Birth Doula
Website: www.ChildbirthOdyssey.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChildbirthOdyssey/
Facebook: Holistic Pregnancy and Birth Support (Singapore) https://www.facebook.com/groups/606265082774118/
Short Description:
Kong Choon Yen is an ordinary mother of two boys. She is a Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, a Holistic Birth Doula and an Infant Massage Instructor, known to many as a Birth Expert since 2011. Her journey as a Birth Expert began after she successfully achieved an empowered and healthy Hypno-water birth experience of her second child. She described her second birth as a "Healing" birth. Through her various training in the area of Prenatal and Perinatal workshops, many of our traumas began in the womb and the birth process. Yen's vision is all babies come into this world whole and complete, being received in a gentle and joyful manner.
Yen teaches the Art and Joy of Birthing method that focuses on returning confidence to the labouring mother to trust her birthing instinct. She dispels common myths of childbirth, eliminates fears related to the labouring process, involves the partner/husband in the process, brings the family closer together. HypnoBirthing is a holistic approach that combines evidence-based natural childbirth education and self-hypnosis relaxation techniques that brings confidence back to women. She is resourceful in helping couples to find solutions to the challenges that they face during pregnancy, labour and birth and calming the newborn baby. One of Yen's mission is bringing Holistic Practitioners and families who are interested in the holistic living together, share and learn from each other during her monthly meet up session in the Holistic Pregnancy and Birth Support Group.
Noteworthy Moments:
Yen was invited to speak at a pregnancy seminar organised by Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Society of Singapore in 2014 and other various Mother and Baby Fairs and Resident Community. She was interviewed by actress Ms Joanne Peh in 2015 on Channel 8 on the topic of HypnoBirthing and the work of a Birth Doula on episode 2 of Baby Steps available on Toggle.
Main clientele:
Expectant couples who wish to welcome their baby without succumbing to chemical drugs, experienced mothers who want to achieve a better and easier birth, to better bond with her husband during the birth process and women who wish to be in control of herself and her birth environment.